Saturday, August 24, 2013

Three Times a Bride - and a heart of praise in a season of waiting...

This sweet, inspiring woman is determined to be a bride to the same man -- THREE times over! 

You couldn't make this story up -- and [as with any epic tale] the BEST is yet to come! 
I have been married to and divorced from the same man twice.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Not only that, I am ready and waiting for my third wedding to the husband of my youth. Thirteen years ago, I was a young unbeliever who married an alcoholic unbeliever. Our background and personalities made us like two sticks of dynamite, just waiting to explode. He was emotionally unavailable, and I was dying for someone to fill up the empty places in my soul. When the opportunity to have those places filled by someone else came along, I took it and ran. Literally. I left my husband and moved thousands of miles away – a prodigal on the run and seeking divorce. But just as the prodigal son in the Bible, I came to the end of myself and went running into the Father’s open arms. I believed, received, repented, and surrendered all to Him.

I broke off the adulterous relationship I was in and cancelled the divorce I had been pursuing. I started the humbling process of reconciliation against the desires of my flesh. Unfortunately, my broken husband decided that he did not want his unfaithful wife back or her Jesus. I can still remember the night my husband called and said that HE was filing for divorce. God’s Spirit gently whispered to my soul, “wait.” It was a small but precious word that would carry me through the next nine years of my life.

The divorce went through – I cried, prayed, and waited. Within a year, God’s divine plan brought my husband to the very place that I had run off to years before. A pregnancy and an unstable remarriage ensued, followed by more chaos. I cried, prayed, and waited. I suffered through deployments, and PTSD, raging alcoholism, multiple affairs, and a separation leaving me to raise a little boy on my own. I cried, prayed, and waited. Years of back and forth, “I love you,” “I love you not.” I waited some more. An amazing thing happened as I waited – I was broken, remolded, and transformed. By God’s grace, the unfaithful wife became a rock of faithfulness and unconditional love. The prodigal became the stander. I learned one of the most important lessons any Christian can ever learn. I learned how to praise my God in the storm. I started to gain an understanding of who God is and how worthy He is of us giving our lives as a living sacrifice to Him. I found out that I could experience overflowing joy and thankfulness in the midst of deep pain. I also learned how to listen to the Spirit of God, fight spiritual warfare, trust God, and pray (still learning all of these ever day). I learned my identity as a precious Daughter of the Most High God.

When divorce papers crushed my dreams again, this time, I chose to fall to my knees and praise. I was filled with hope and faith, and I made the choice to trust God for yet another season of waiting. This season is the most precious one so far. It’s been a season of trust, peace, and experiencing freedom in truly letting go. I am becoming a woman after God’s heart, not just my husband’s. God is my beloved, and I am His. He is the One I’ve always wanted, the only One who can ever fill these empty places. This is all for His glory and His purposes.

So, I will continue to glorify God and demonstrate His love by keeping my arms wide open for the day when I spot my prodigal heading home. Yes Lord, just as you waited patiently on my heart, I will wait for his.

My friend recently shared her story with a Facebook group of women praying together for their unbelieving husbands. Joy McClain has been a great inspiration to her and she asks that everyone take a moment to hear her uplifting story. Please read, be encouraged and share! 

Don't give up on what YOU are waiting for! Be strong, let this season of waiting mold you, and grow in your faith and love for your Almighty Father and His promises!

I would love to hear your story! Please share how God has touched your life!

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