Tuesday, August 20, 2013

His Everlasting Love

I love quiet mornings. Hubby's off working hard and Emma is sleeping peacefully. I can relax, enjoy my huge cup of coffee and meditate on God's Word. I love when God completely overwhelms me with His love and His promises of ever-present forgiveness and grace. Our Pastor's sermons lately have been about God's grace; it's our church's theme for the year. God has been working on my heart a great deal about His grace. I just don't understand why God would create us solely to have a relationship with us. To willingly endure the constant ridicule, rejection, rebellion, and heartbreak from those He created to love… It baffles me. I will never understand it. I guess that's why God wrote so many verses stating his love and affection for us… so there would never have to be a doubt in our mind. He also wrote Deuteronomy 29.29 for us; "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God..." I think he left questions unanswered because we physically would never be able to process the answers. All we need is the faith to know that His sole purpose in creating us is to love and bless us! 

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