Monday, September 30, 2013

With Fresh Eyes

Well, it's been quite the morning in our home to say the least. It's not even 10 a.m. and our little one has already had several lessons in behavioral etiquette...

Among a few other things, Emma has {hopefully} learned that...
Hitting Ma-ma is not OK.
Angrily hitting the {very full} spoon that's feeding you, splattering food all over Ma-ma and the floor, is not acceptable.
And flailing on the floor while screaming at the top of your lungs, unfortunately, does not get you what you want.

All this before 10 a.m.! I haven't even had a chance to make my coffee yet... {sigh} It's gonna be a 2...or 3..or 4-cup kinda morning.

For the most part, Emma is sweet, content and cheerful, and loves to make you laugh. But as she's been growing into her personality, she's had several bad days, in which she's been testy, discontent and beyond irritable. It's during these days I easily become overwhelmed and struggle to maintain an even keel and act in love. I become consumed in maintaining some sort of structure and balance for my family, trying to keep myself {my emotions} bridled and under control. My mind reeling with To-Do Lists, errands and keeping our house together, I neglect my Quiet Time. Sure, I'll retreat for a quick 15 minutes of peace and quiet to pray and read my Scripture of the day. But I return to the hustle and bustle with my heart in the same place, counting on that 15 minutes of God to give me enough "oomph" for the day; enough "God-power" to maintain that calm, "zen", Prov.31 spirit to handle all the day brings.

Yeah, right...
* * * * * *

Sometimes I envy new believers...

They are just ON FIRE for the Lord! They have the amazing privilege of seeing everything with fresh eyes. Verses like John 3.16 and Philippians 4.13 give them chills. Songs we hear all the time and know by heart {Amazing Grace, I Surrender All} bring tears to their eyes.

I'm ashamed to say that, after growing up in church and being a believer for so long, I often read over the verses I've known since Kindergarten {John 14.6, Galatians 3.26...}. I mentally file them away for the next time I share Christ with someone, forgetting their present relevance to me. I mechanically sing Amazing Grace, I Surrender All, and Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus allowing the lyrics to glide over my cold, unaffected heart...

The truth is... I've forgotten.

I've forgotten why I call myself a Christian. I've forgotten the purpose behind my Christianity. I've allowed myself to forget the meaning and the overwhelming depth of what Jesus Christ did for ME! 

We need a renewed fervor and passion for our Lord. We need to focus less on whether the house is spic'n'span or not, and focus more of our attention and energy on regaining a passion and love for our God.

Forget the To-Do Lists, errands, and frustrating tantrums for 30 minutes and read God's Word with fresh eyes and a renewed focus!

Here are some things I have tried in an effort to enhance my Quiet Time...

  • Wake up a good 30-40 minutes before my family wakes up.
  • Find {or create} a comfortable, clutter-free, relaxing environment. 
  • Make sure my cell phone and all other distracting/tempting electronics are OFF. 
  • Use a Devotional Guide Book - I've been reading through a 365-day devotional book; Jesus is Calling by Sarah Young. My husband frequently uses the YouVersion Bible App (downloadable on any wi-fi capable device); they have very good topical reading plans and other great resources.
  • Keep a Devotional Diary - I record what I read that day, how it spoke to my heart, and the things it revealed to me about myself that I need to ask God to change in me. Actually, writing like this helps me stay focused and resist the urge to jot down a quick To-Do list as things come to mind.
  • Keep a Prayer Journal - I record what I prayed for that day/week/month and then record how those prayers were answered. I've found this to be very spiritually enriching! I love looking through my journal and being reminded of all God has done for me. I always close my book in awe of God and His faithfulness even down to the little things.

I hope those few things help you develop and enhance your Quiet Time with the Lord.

As you begin to open yourself up to Him again and your heart draws closer to His, you will find that regained passion and love for Him that you've been searching for all this time...

                  You will see Him in a whole new light...

                                              You will see Him with fresh eyes.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Know Your Relational Boundaries

Happy Monday to you...

We have had a very full schedule and family staying with us this past week leaving me with very little time to write. So, I will share with you something I read that reached my heart today...

To frame our conversations, a scriptural encouragement -
"The lines have fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage." ~ Psalm 16:6 
Oh, this one just truly hurts my heart to watch. Along with knowing when to let it rest in our own lives, we must grow in knowing when to let it rest with other people. 

We often think of boundaries as keeping people, things, non-essential priorities out. There's truth here. Today, I'd suggest also thinking of these same fences as keeping YOU in.

We women are rescuers at times. 

But you see, there's only so much we can do in some of our relationships. There will be times where our power to reason, talk or share with, persuade, or even encourage another person will be limited.

We will encounter frustration at our inability to change a person, or influence them to change their situation.

This is exactly as it should be. We're not God.

What got satan kicked out of heaven, Adam & Eve banished from the garden, and a host of other biblical characters in trouble, was their unhealthy desire for influence. They weren't content with their sphere or level of impact or authority -- they wanted God's.

But, I've done it - and maybe you have too? - I jump those fences which inform me of my limitations, and find myself waaaay outside of my sphere of influence.

Basically, I've leapt over marriage fences, parenting boundaries, friendship lines and pastoral limitations thinking if I just....then they will... You know what I mean, don't you?

We play Holy Spirit. We play God.

I know it's tough. I relate to feelings of helplessness. I understand it's most likely out of our care for another person. I get it.

But like the psalmist, I instead want to recognize there are pleasant boundary lines for me, especially in relationships. Honoring those will bring me peace, a delightful inheritance as I pray and trust for changes.


{**I'm aware many are called to go further in helping a troubled individual than what may seem normal. I encourage you to exercise wisdom - and to ask for it by receiving counsel. Scripture describes how this can be a slippery slope.**}

Action plan: Pray and ask God if you've jumped a relational fence recently, stepped into territory that's His alone. Ask for strength to get back on your side and to trust God at work. Prayerfully, you'll find rest as well.

More to Read: The first part of Galatians 6 offers great insight on working with others, while remaining humble ourselves. Take a look!

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Please share your thoughts! I'd love to hear from you!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Gentle Savior, Lead Me On

Logan and I have dealt with many people who have a hard time believing that God would ever forgive some of the things they have done. I admit, I have dealt with the same doubts and fears myself... 
But, I rely heavily on verses like Ephesians 1.7 "...we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace", and 1 John 1.9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 
These verses are God's promise to us. 
He promises to forgive us, renew us, and guide us back to the path of righteousness.

Micah 7.18-19 
"...he retaineth not his anger forever, because he delighteth in mercy.
He will turn again, he will have compassion on us; he will subdue our iniquities;
and thou wilt cast our sins into the depths of the sea." 

There will never be a time when God will not forgive. This precious gift of forgiveness is hard to wrap our minds around, yet even more astounding is God's willingness to forget our sins and provide us with a fresh new start! This song has become my prayer for strength to accept His gift of forgiveness, to move forward and leave all regrets and personal/spiritual failures behind me. I hope this song encourages your heart as it does mine.

 Where are the signs? Which way should I go?
I planned each step but now I don't know.
Tomorrow is a chasm of uncertainty
But, I will go there, if You'll go with me.
Gentle Savior, lead me on.
Let your Spirit light the way.
Gentle Savior, lead me on.
Hold me close and keep me safe.
Lead me on, Gentle Savior. 
Why can't I walk away from my regrets
And why is forgiveness so hard to accept.
My past surrounds me like a house I can't afford.
But you say, "Come with me; don't live there anymore." 
Gentle Savior, lead me on. 
Let your Spirit light the way.
Gentle Savior, lead me on.
Hold me close and keep me safe.
Lead me on, Gentle Savior. 
And when I reach the Valley every soul must journey through,
I'll remember then how well you know the way.
I'll put my hand in Your hand like a trusting child would do
And say 
Gentle Savior, lead me on.
Let your Spirit light the way.
Gentle Savior, lead me on. 
Hold me close and keep me safe.
Lead me on, Gentle Savior.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

God longs for the moment we return to Him. For, the moment when He can embrace us in mercy, love and forgiveness, is the moment He has longed for since the beginning of time.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Confidence in Christ

Con-fi-dence {noun}- The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust
{synonyms - trust, belief, faith, credence, conviction} 

To my shame, I fight a daily battle to obtain confidence in myself. I've always been insecure in my abilities. In time, I developed the emotional habit of needing acceptance from those around me; doing things in a way I knew would gain others' approval and appreciation while, many times, discarding my own opinions, labeling them "inadequate, bad ideas", and so on...
I always question myself. 
In doing this, I inflict upon myself an overwhelming lack of self-worth and feelings of inadequacy. I fail to remember that I was created with a purpose and created by someone who loves everything about me. God created me to share His love and He created me to do so in a way that's unique to me, in a way that maybe some can't...
When I question myself and doubt the abilities God gave me, I question God and what He created! When I criticize myself, my abilities, my talents, I am really saying "God you didn't do a good enough job when you created me!" How many times I've said this to Him I couldn't count, but the thought of saying it even once is enough to bring me to my knees and beg for His forgiveness. He created me precisely how He wanted me, down to the number of hairs on my head!! {Luke 12.6-7} My simple mind will never understand the depth of His love for me...

When dealing with feelings of doubt and lack of self-worth, remember God's love for you. Remember the price He chose to pay for you!

Never forget...

1. You are fearfully and wonderfully made; hand-crafted by the One who embraces you every day in more love than any other ever could. Psalm 139.13-14 "For thou hast possessed my reins; thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."

2. You are empowered by God's strength! His ever-present strength is boundlessly provided to all those who come to Him. Joshua 1.9 "Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
Philippians 4.13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

3. You are worth everything to God. You are worth so much to Him that He sacrificed His only Son for you! John 3.16 
 "For God so Loved the world 
that He gave his Only begotten Son, 
          that whosoever belieVeth in Him should not perish, 
     but have Everlasting life."

4. Christ indwells You! HIS LOVE IS IN YOU, which means you have something unique to offer people! Christ's love empowers you to influence the people He brings your way and make a difference in their lives!  1 John 2.5 "But whoso keepeth His Word, in him verily is the love of God perfected..."

I may not have confidence in my own strengths and abilities, but I have confidence in the fact that God made me for a specific purpose and loves me just the way I am. He loves YOU too!! He gave you the unique talents and abilities you have. Just surrender them, even if you don't know exactly what your talents are yet. Give yourself to God, be prepared to be amazed and see how He uses you for His honor and glory!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Love -- More than a Feeling

I'm sure many of you have read this beautifully-written article "my husband is not my soul mate". If you haven't, I highly recommend you read it! She writes about the flawed concept of soul mates and how marriage is a choice. I've been thinking about this a great deal and agree wholeheartedly.

Love is a CHOICE.
The choice is to LOVE. 
To LOVE is to BE all that love defines.

Desperately rudimentary, yet so profoundly difficult at times.
I'm ashamed to admit how often I'm unloving to the person who I vowed to love most. I get caught up in my daily routine, to-do lists, life... I allow myself to forget the most important thing I have to do. LOVE.

I pray everyday asking God to change my selfish inclination to be rude when I feel stressed or things don't go "MY way", to be quick to lash out, and be easily provoked... God has a lot of work to do in this area of my heart. I will be the first to admit I am not an easy person to live with all the time, but I'm working on it. I want my husband to be anxious to come home from a long day's work, be able to relax and enjoy each other's company. My job is to make our home a safe-haven for my husband and make sure they know they are loved and cared for... to provide a barrier from the world and satan's attacks. I fail to do this when I am selfishly focused on how I feel or when I am bothered and brush them off to make sure I cook dinner and get the laundry done within a certain amount of time... The most precious gift I can give to my family is my love and attention.
"When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers."                                                                                                                            ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Martin Luther coined the phrase,
"Let the wife make her husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave." 
What makes this come to fruition in a marriage is choosing to show love. Loving when we don't feel like it. I really believe that's what makes the difference in a marriage! I can speak from personal experience when I say acting in love despite how I feel is always very rewarding in the end and the feeling always follows, no matter how mad or upset I am. Try it sometime and see if your mood doesn't change. ;) It works!! Trust me!

"Marriage is not for a moment; it is for a lifetime. It requires long and serious preparation. It is not leapt into, but entered with solemn steps of deliberation. For one of the most intimate and difficult of human relationships is that of marriage. Infinitely rewarding at best, unspeakably oppressive at its worst, marriage offers the uttermost extremes of human happiness and human bondage - with all the lesser degrees of felicity and restraint in between." ~Gina Cerminara

I've learned that marriage is about choosing to look beyond human failure and disappointment, choosing to become an expert in forgiveness, and choosing to love your spouse unconditionally.

2 years ago I married the most wonderful man in the world. I chose to love him and [holy guacamole!] I get to choose him every day for the rest of my life! That makes me one happy woman!!

I love you, baby!!!